• on blogging

    I realised there are two (okay, maybe three) main things that stop me from writing more. Even though I always promise myself I will from now on. The first one: the internalised expectation of how long a blogpost needs to be. Well, there’s no blogpost police to enforce the minimum word count. And if there…

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  • hitting the patent wall

    In my last article, I boldly declared taking on the world while working on a mysterious project. Well, unfortunately for me, the world has won that battle. My focus in recent weeks, or even months at this point, has been on the domain of keystroke dynamics and its commercial application in authentication and authorisation. I…

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  • into the great wide open

    So, I quit my developer job last year. That was almost half a year ago. The decision came after close to 10 years of continuous full-time employment in the industry. I had nothing new lined up, no concrete plans. I just felt deep in my bones that I needed a change and knew that itch…

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  • the inverted pyramid of code

    Programming, being an exercise in writing as much as anything else, can look for inspiration from other, more established, writing disciplines. One writing technique of interest is called the inverted pyramid. This approach improves text comprehension by starting with the most crucial information first, before diving into the less important details later on. The reader…

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  • simple genetic algorithm by a simple developer (in python)

    Before we go any further, and especially before you start judging my code, I need to make a few disclaimers: I have decided to implement everything from scratch, mostly based on two books on the topic [1][2]. The term Simple Genetic Algorithm is used here in the same context as described by the author in [1]. With…

    Read This Post: simple genetic algorithm by a simple developer (in python)