llama explain
llama explain is a Chrome extension that explains complex text online in simple terms, by using a local-running LLM. All is done locally on your machine. No data is sent to OpenAI’s, or any other company’s, server. No need to pay for any service.
It’s built on top of Ollama and as such, currently runs only on MacOS. Built mostly to experiment with integrating local-running LLMs into useable software. ChatGPT helped me with the implementation quite a bit, as I haven’t written an extension in quite a while at this point.
Yet Another Implementation of Game of Life (YAIoGoL)
YAIoGoL is a simple version of the Game of Life built in kotlin and Compose Multiplatform. The implementation follows the classic game rules.
Built to experiment with Compose Multiplatform, dependency injection for a small project without external frameworks, unit testing without relying on mocking, and… because I always wanted to write my own implementation of the game.
AI Lotto
AI Lotto is an Android App built using on-device machine learning to check the results of Duży Lotek (Polish lotto) and EuroJackpot by simply pointing the phone’s camera at the coupon.
Built mostly to let my dad check the results himself without asking me to do it every time I saw him.
scan currency converter
scan currency converter is an Android app that allows users to convert prices to by pointing the camera at them, in real time.
Built to experiment with real-time text-in-image recognition.
dice with the universe
dice with the universe uses measured fluctuations of the electromagnetic field of vacuum in order to… predict lotto numbers.
Data needed to achieve this very anti-climatic goal is obtained from Quantum Random Numbers Server, courtesy of Australian National University.
Built mostly to make use of this fascinating endpoint.
FishPlane Live Wallpaper
FishPlane Live Wallpaper is a beautifully illustrated (I can say that because I did not make the illustration) live wallpaper. Tap on the fish, and it will dive. Tap on the clouds and they will disperse.
Built as a spinoff of the A cidade sem lugar app (see below).
A cidade sem lugar
06/2015 – 06/2016
A cidade sem lugar is a richly illustrated app/interactive children’s book. All the credit for illustrations and the idea goes to Catarina Dantas, who also wrote the story.
Each screen corresponds to a single page of the book. To move to the next page, the reader needs to solve a riddle by interacting with the illustration on the screen.
The app was built using libGDX.
Unfortunately, the app was never fully finished and released.
Hungry Seal
Hungry Seal is an Android game- the first app I ever published (although not the first one I ever wrote). This time I can take all the credit for the seal illustration.
Built using libGDX, following the flappy bird craze. It never became the next hit but my nephew still plays it at the time of writing (2024) so I consider it a success even if I never made a single cent off of it.